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Is bruisèd with the beating of their wings.

Calum. Mairi, the gods are masters for an hour,
But in the end our Lord will come again
With all the host of Heaven for His guard.

Mairi. Our Lord will come too late for him. And I
Have forgot all the sorrow of the world,
But the swift agony upon the tree
And the immortal pain of him I love.
[She is silent a while. Then she raises her head.
There is an end of joy, for I have bowed
My spirit to the harsh commands of love.
God will forget me who have cast Him off.
The doors of heaven are shut, and the dark fires
Burn high to-night for me.
[She turns to Calum.
Burn high to-night for me. But you will know
The sorrow of my love that I must die
For him I set above the joy of heaven.
[She stretches out her arms to where Alastair has gone out.
Oh you that brought the bitter gift to me,
Rejoice. Angus will have his sacrifice.