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Tin-: WAB AND ITS HEROES. 33 ha<l almost succeeded in flanking us on the left — great consternation is li< . in tlir w la ! Volley npon volley is heard in rapid n, which i- at i recognised and cheered by our men. '• [( rat, "on our right!" STes, two or three brigades of Jackson's army had flanked 1 1 1 « - enemy, and were getting in his rear. Jackson had moved fast, and wag now eradeav< ing to head the retreating foe. Jus! as th" sun was about to sink in the 'West — just as th la>t volleys are Indistinctly heard in the enemy's rear — a arrives, announcing that, "through the Providence bf God," Jackson^had fallen upon the retreating column, broken it, and captured three hundred prison Th • battle was won, and the exhau-* . who had remained to strike I finishing blow, wrap their martial cloak around them, and quietly sleep ypou. the field of battle. ';il can fully prepared biographii Jackson havii j been publish) of which — 51 ire indebted for much tained in this brief sketch,) we de< i '■> ui into furtl details, and, therefore, come to the closing chapter in the life of tl •iod good man. Tt was at the battle of Chanccll r the 28th nf April, 1863, after the confliet was over, when Jackson himself had said "the danger is all over, the enemy : ." and he had given the order for A 1'. Hill - on," that the chieftain turned from the front, and, accompanied back, in a trot, toward his own men. ly in the darkoefl it WW now nine or ten i M — the little bod; or dry charging, and the i ; 't and left of die road fired i ettdoen volley into them with the most ' a » n Beswell, of General •! I borne into our lines by hi* hone; Colonel Crutchfield, chief of ; two Cn1i ' wire killed. General •' ball in hi* left are below the shoulder- joint, shattering the 1 me and sei ring the chief art i through ■ " w and wrial exit thi hand, ft] fr " from his horse, and a All my wounds are by my own n The flring wai i r -- II, wai 1 1 • ■ t hack in . and hi th-' n ir. amid a heavy fire from I down, and tl OOOttfcW n. adding t . the injury of the arm and ral Jack* fiv. to the f, M Hun If. ?