Page:Waring Ice Cream Parlor (012992).pdf/24

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RECIPES FRUIT ICE CREAM RECIPE FOR FRUIT ICE CREAM FRESH FRUIT 1) Slice 1 to 2 cups of ripe fruit to bite-size pieces. In a small bowl, combine half of the sugar called for in the basic ice cream recipe you will be using with the fruit slices. Mix fruit and sugar together, cover, and allow to "age" for 24 hours in your refrigerator. During this time the juice of the fruit will combine with the sugar to form a flavored syrup, and enough sugar will infuse into the fruit pieces to help prevent it from freezing solid during the hardening process. 2) After aging, save aside whatever portion of the fruit you wish to add later as whole pieces, and puree the rest into the syrup. Your Waring Blendor will puree fruit. 22 Add the pureed fruit and syrup to the basic cream mix just before processing. Mix in the reserved whole pieces by hand, after processing and before harden- ing. FROZEN FRUIT Allow frozen fruit to defrost and age in refrigerator for 24 hours. Proceed as in step (2) above for fresh fruit, using 1-2 cups of the defrosted fruit/syrup mixture. CANNED FRUIT Fruit packed in syrup can be processed as it comes from the can or jar, without additional aging. Use 1-2 cups of chilled and drained fruit and proceed as in step (2) above for fresh fruit. Ma Sug Spo but ga ear
