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character, and you were doubly clear to me through sympathy."

He pushed up the little door of communication with the driver, and gave his orders. The hansom paused, wheeled, and started off once more into the darkness. The rest of the way they said little, but sat staring into the gloaming world outside, still hand in hand, till the glare of winking arc lights startled them into formality.

In the excitement of the declaration, Philippa had forgotten the trouble he had promised to reveal, but the recollection smote her and she questioned him suddenly. This abruptness of attack was the result of years of experiment. She had discovered that by firing a point-blank question or stating a good guess with decision, the truth was forthcoming in nine cases out of ten. The questioned persons were startled either into spoken admissions and explanations, or they showed symptoms easy for a shrewd person to interpret. To her surprise she learned nothing further from his face or voice.

"Later," was all he answered.

If there had been any wavering in her decision