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tion exactly contrary to that of the pretended Englishman. She recalled in particular the words referring to the hands, "hairy, rough, and callous, like those of a working man." Valdeck's hands were long, slim, and gentlemanly. At the time she had put this discrepancy down to fright, to the possibility of a second marauder. It now appeared to her as a wilful desire to mislead, to throw the pursuers off the scent. Jumping to her feet, Victoria began the regular pacing of the room that with her betokened perturbation of spirit. After all, the black countess's quest might be in the right direction. Suddenly she stopped short.

"I'm sure of it! I'm sure of it!" she exclaimed, aloud, to the empty room. "That woman chloroformed herself when she heard the noise outside in the hall. I remember the cloth over the gag was loosely tied and very damp. The gag was a mere blind that doubtless Valdeck put on, the more readily to exonerate her! I'm sure of it! I have a feeling it is so." Then she mused more quietly. "How this thing has been resurrected! Its influence is stretching over my