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"First package, twelve diamonds; second package, six small emeralds; third, two large diamonds; fourth, handful of small stones; fifth, four rubies, one cat's-eye; sixth, eight-strand pearl and diamond collar; seventh, pearl rope, very large; eighth, large yellow diamond; two packets colored pearls, three pink, two brown, one large black, pierced."

There was absolute quiet as the heaps increased, sparkling as they lay on their opened wrappers.

Philippa, her eyes dilated, breathed hard in terror as the jewels accumulated. She was staggered by the shock of surprise. All this had been left in her charge; she had slept in her violet-hung bed above all this wealth, believing it but a few paltry hundreds to be turned over to a deserving charity. What did it all mean? Could it be that Valdeck— But no! impossible! These were doubtless the gifts of wealthy sympathizers.

The merciless counting went on. Would they never come to an end? At last an exclamation from the imperturbable sergeant voiced the feelings of all, as he rolled in his palm a huge brown diamond and two solitaires of great size and bril-