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and how many friendships have been made and unmade. No wonder you like him, though. Old Mort is the salt of the earth. A Don Quixote of most admirable intelligence. Indeed, I don't know another of whom I can speak in such unreserved praise, and seeing that I've known him all my life,—which amounts to a quarter of a century,—that is saying a great deal."

A green glint shot from Philippa's half-closed blue eyes—possibly the reflection of her surroundings, possibly the evidence of the whereabouts of a certain monster, as she recalled the common supposition of a former understanding between these two. Mentally, she was quickly calculating. Was Victoria in love with him? Had he ever had a tenderness for her? If either or both were the case, were her own fascinations superior? With marvellous accuracy she took count of stock, and concluded that Victoria would be a dangerous rival, but her belief in her own power made her confident of ultimate success, even if Morton were not already completely under her spell. However, with instinctive foresight she decided that she should precipitate matters