Page:Watty and Meg, or, The wife reformed (1).pdf/6

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A night lang he row’t and gauntet,
Sleep or rest he couldna tak,
Maggy aft wi' horror hauntet,
Mum’ling starlet at his back.

Soon as e‘er the morning peepit,
Up raise Watty, waelu’ cheil!
Kiss’d the weans while they sleepit,
Wauken’d Meg and sought farewell.

Fareweel Meg, and O may Heaven
Keep yon ay within his care,
Watty’s heart ye've lang been grieving,
Now he’ll never vex you mair.

Happy could I been beside you,
Happy baith at morn and even,
A’ the ills did e‘er betide you,
Watty ay turn’t out your frien’;

But, ye ever like to see me
Vext and sighing, late and air;
Farewell Meg, I’ve sworn to leave thee,
So thou‘lt never see me mair.

Meg a’ sabbin sae to lose him,
Sic a change had never wist,
Held his hand close to her bosom,
While her heart was like to burst.

O my Watty will ye lea’ me,
Friendless, helpless to despair!
O for this ae time forgie me,
Never will I vex you mair.

Ay, ye‘ve aft said that, and broken

A’ your vows ten times a week;