Page:Watty and Meg, or, The wife reformed (7).pdf/8

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Wad you swear to drap your flyting?"
"Yes, Watty! yes, I will"

"Then (quo Watty) mind be honest;
Ay to keep your temper strive;
Gin ye break this dreadfu' promise,
Never mair expect to thrive.

Marget Howel this hour ye solemn
Swear by everything that's gude,
Ne'er again your spouse to scaul' him',
While life warms your heart an' blood:

That ye'll ne'er in Mungo's seek me—
Ne'er put drucken to my name—
Never out at e'ening steek me—
Never gloom when I come hamt:—

That ye'll n'er, like Bessy Miller,
Kick my shins, or rug my hair—
Lastly, I'm to keep the siller,
This upo' your saul ye swear?"

"O—h!" quo' Meg;— Aweell" quo' Watty,
"Farewelll—faith I'll try the seas"
"O stand still," quo' Meg, an' gtat ay;
"Ony, ony way to please"

Maggy syne, because he prest her;
Swore to a' things ower again,
Watty lap, an' danc'd, and kis'd her
Wow, but he was won'rous fain.

Down lie threw his staff victorious;
Aff gaed bounct, claise, an' shoon;
Syne aneath the blankets glorious
Held anither Honey-Moon.