Page:Watty and Meg, or, the wife reclaimed.pdf/16

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16 Syne pointed it to Donald's heart, And swore he wi' his cash should part, Or instantly, wi' stabs and cuts, He'd pierce his heart and rip his guts. 'O! O!' says Donald,' spare my life, For sake o' my poor weans and wife. Ha'e there's the cash but wi' what shame And grief, must I face friends at hame! They'll no believe a word o't either! Lord help's, I'm ruined a'thegither! 'Stop,' says the fellow cease your crying, Your friends will not suspect you lying; They will believe what you say to them, From evidence that you shall gi'e them. From every one I rob, I've credit, By giving me his hand I did it ; My comrades and I together, This token give to one another. So, one of your hands must go with me, Come, take your choice, which shall it be?' “My dog is gane, and darling purse; And now my hand! still worse and worse. Ha'e mercy on me,' Donald prays, ' Ill be a beggar a' my days.' No mercy for you, cried the wretch, Come, down with it, I'll make quick despatch.' Weel, wecl,' says Donald, 'I submit; But ae request grant, if it's fit, That is, since my left hand must go, Driv't aff at ae most desperate blow, No on the saft green, there, perhaps, Ye'll pine me sair, by several chaps; But ye'll at ance, mair siccer do't, On yonder smooth tree's spreading root.' Poor Donald's prayer was heard; he then Made bare his left hand shackle bane, And on the tree root laid it quaking, The robber now his aim was taking, Wi' baith hands rais'd the vengefu' whittle