Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/117

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"In other words, you mean, Miss Varris," young Preston corrected, "that unless I go on with you and act according to the impression you were good enough to give the police for my protection—the impression that I am an old friend, long enough known by you to be trusted unquestioningly—I must be arrested. Without questioning me at all yourselves, you are offering me a safe conduct through the police lines with you—although there is every reasonable presumption that I am the man who has robbed you."

"Without understanding what we were doing," Miss Varris answered, "we directly implicated you with the robbery last night, Mr. Preston. We are offering 'safe conduct,' as you call it, only through those police lines which we ourselves drew about you."

"Yes; but—" the young American was considering, when there was a knock at the door.

A servant brought in word that Mrs. Varris and her daughter were desired at the office as soon as convenient.