Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/143

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"I fancy even our police must appreciate that," the Briton continued reflectively. "Certainly they must be more lenient with him, when they catch him, for the consistent care he has taken to avoid personal injuries. But really, I say, Mr. Preston," the Briton leaned over earnestly and confided in a lower tone, "I must admit that I admire the chap so for his audacity and cleverness that I'd give him more than a chance to get clear from them, if he can. That's why I've told you what I just have, Mr. Preston," he whispered.

"You mean about the police?" Preston inquired.

"Yes; that they think he's here at Plymouth, trying to get back to America."

"But you have not said what makes them think that."

"They have observed how, at first, the crimes kept to the cathedral towns. Then they left the cathedral cities, but still kept to the courses always crowded by rich Americans. But now even the most popular places are being deserted.