Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/158

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"That is what I understood, Mr. Preston; and, therefore, I sent for you at once."


"You are not to sail for home just yet?"

"No. I can get nothing either here or at Southampton for at least a week—possibly longer."

"Good! Then you will come with us down into Cornwall for the week you have still to stay here?"

"But, Mrs. Varris, you are only asking this because—"

"I am asking it because both I and Ethel shall be very glad to have you with us; because it will be a pleasure. And I ask it also because it gives us an opportunity to undo a part, at least, of the consequences of the trouble we have brought upon you—an opportunity which, I know, you cannot now feel that you must deny us."

She arose as she finished and offered a friendly hand.

"We leave on the Cornwall Express at nine