Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/196

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respectfully. "We had given up, sir, any idea that the man might be you, sir, till we received the astonishing communication published this morning, sir. And orders, sir, are to keep with you till we shall have heard from the Bahia. Sorry, sir," he repeated. "But orders—"

"I understand!" Preston smiled patiently. "I wasn't trying to escape. As soon as I saw my friends settled, I was intending to go down to the station myself and let you compare me with your description of Mr. Manling to your fullest satisfaction. I certainly hope you will get it with complete details. I'm much more anxious to have it than any of you can possibly be. So lead on, and I'll go with you now!"

"Thank you, sir!" the man acknowledged. "It would save me trouble, sir. I'm glad you offered it. I was to ask you to step down. But I'm afraid, sir, that there must be a bit of a wait."
