Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/212

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"you are not going to make this more—painful for me!"

"I think, sir," the inspector said sternly, before the girl could form her reply, "that that last detail is, I may say, final!"

He turned then to the girl in his surprise at her action, and seemed to wait for her to explain herself.

"Oh, it is, Inspector, final, as you say! Yes; that is just it!" she cried joyfully. "That last detail was quite—final!"

"Then—" the inspector began deliberately.

"Then, Miss Varris—" the American cried pleadingly, "you will not—"

"Therefore, Inspector," the girl returned triumphantly, "I think I shall be able to prove to you, upon very conclusive evidence, that Mr. Preston could not have committed the crime at the Devonshire Inn last night!"

"Could not, madam?" the inspector demanded. "How, madam? Can you prove that he had not this hurt at twelve last night when the Bahia cleared?"