Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/23

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"I thought I recalled it. So, I say, surely you must see I'm mentioning it only because some one must soon; and, besides, after jogging about half England with you, it's my lookout, too; for it would be jolly humiliating to me, wouldn't it, to lose you to the police? So, do you know that the time given for the pilferings in Rochester and Winchester corresponds exactly with the time you were in those towns?"

"What, Mr. Dunneston!" Young Preston threw down his napkin and arose in his place. But again, as he stared down, flushed, into the Englishman's perplexed and anxious face, a calmer sense of the situation overcame him and he reached an impulsive hand for Mr. Dunneston's newspaper.

"I was not fair to you a moment ago, Mr. Dunneston," he admitted, as he glanced quickly down the column the Briton had had before him. "You did not hesitate to bring these facts to me," he indicated the newspaper as he returned it, "and suggest to me the possi-