Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/275

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here on board with us and must have been the agent of the robberies which occurred here last night.

"I have formed this opinion, not only from the cool character of the crimes themselves, but more particularly from the information which I have received by the 'wireless' from the authorities upon shore, that Mr. Manling probably sailed with us from Southampton.

"And though I have this double assurance," he continued, "I make no secret, either, of the fact that I have at this moment absolutely no clue or indication of the man—other than this," he qualified calmly. "I am convinced that he is now present before me as one of you, the first-cabin passengers of this ship.

"I have a plan by which I hope to ascertain his presence in a moment or two," he went on, while those in the salon raised themselves in their seats and glanced about curiously, and a few laughed nervously, "but it is enough now to say that, not only do the indications, which the police were able to give me, point