Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/293

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The girl smiled suddenly as she read that last line, and re-read it, and afterwards re-read the whole note carefully and then crumpled it impatiently in her hand. Immediately she smoothed it out to study again the line at the end. Then she hurriedly dressed and went out.

As she came out upon the deck, she expected a stare, of course; but the free and unconcealed curiosity which met her and which brazenly ringed her round as she proceeded toward her chair at the stern, caused her to color red, not so much with mortification as with an anger which served to steady her in her determination.

As she came toward the stern, however, she was conscious, with some admission of relief, that the stare centred upon her was being diverted, or, at least, divided. She looked about for an explanation and saw young Preston before her.

"Good-morning!" she greeted him heartily.

Preston fell back, but recovered himself at once.