Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/320

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recovered himself, however, and moved quickly to spare her.

"Come, sir!" He spoke sharply to the officer. "I am ready to go with you, Captain!"

"Wait a moment, please!" the girl then commanded calmly. "I thank the captain," she said, half to the officer and half to the curious group which had gathered about, "for his wish to defend me, and his explanation that I had erred no more than in following the custom of my country in judging a friend for myself.

"You all have seen me here as a friend of Mr. Preston's; and he, one of mine. I am now so placed that I must declare before you all whether or not I also believe him to be the thief known as Manling. I think it is entirely absurd."

She caught her breath.

"Mr. Preston happened to mention to me day before yesterday that he had to buy a new rug and trunk—oh, box, of course—just before sailing. Has it occurred to the