Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/343

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had never seen him aroused like this before; but she said nothing as he took her down the deck and, almost impatiently, left her at the head of her companionway.

She found herself wondering at him more than a little as she gained her cabin; and, "One forty-one," she mused, as she opened her door. "Why, that is the cabin just beyond this!"

She noticed that it was lighted and that the man who had spoken to them on the deck was already lumbering about within. And even as she opened her own door he came out and went down the passage away from her, without either coat or waistcoat.

The girl noted that he seemed even more under the influence of liquor than he had on deck the moment before. She shut her own door securely and had started arranging her things, when she heard another step pass her door, from the direction in which she herself had come, and enter the next cabin. Something about it made her re-open her door and turn out her light.