Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/358

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"Will you be good enough to accompany us to the captain, sir," one of the astounded officers recovered sufficiently to request. He handed Preston his cabled descriptions and instructions. "Obviously, sir, this man cannot be you."

Preston read the long cablegram through and whistled appreciatively.

"Quite as I thought!" he laughed. "But look here, men," he put in fairly, "don't blame the captain. These aren't quite the descriptions and instructions he received by the 'wireless'!"

"By the 'wireless,' sir?" one of the men asked, more puzzled.

"Yes. Hadn't you heard? Oh, I'll gladly go with you to the captain!"

He strode rapidly ahead of the others to the captain's cabin. But, as he swung in, he knew that he was robbed of his triumph; for the captain had Ethel Varris waiting him there, and, as she looked up, Preston forgot the captain and his other triumph entirely.