Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/51

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had heard about the robberies in the hotels before, of course. We heard about them every few days from some town or another; but as long as we thought that servants in the different places were doing it, mother did not worry much about it. But now the police have told her that it is some definite and dangerous person going about and doing it all, and that he is probably here still. And she had become almost sick over it."

"But why she especially, Miss Varris? Do you mean that you—"

"Yes," the girl assented. "This year, for the first time, we took practically everything in notes rather than in credit, just as all the people who have been robbed have done."

"But surely you can change it here."

"No. That is one of the things we went out this morning to do. There is a bank holiday to-day for some reason or other, and we can't change our funds into anything—even English notes."

"Oh; I see now," Preston smiled. "So you