Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/75

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there are defects in such a habit, I must admit that—from the point of view of the suspected one, at least—it has its advantages. But—isn't that Mrs. Varris with the gray parasol there waiting in front of 'Galilee'?"

They had halted before the wonderful west front of Ely, with the great castellated west tower, which seemed more military than ecclesiastical, standing as high sentinel to the blue heavens above them.

The ineffable sense of peace and calmness and permanency which breathed over them in the presence of that sure, commanding quiet in those mounting masses of carved and chiselled stone, struck the laugh and joke from their lips.

In the awe which always came to him as he confronted one of these wonderful buildings, young Preston turned to the girl gazing up at the tower before them.

"Do you remember, Miss Varris," he said quietly, "being made to read some of the really great books long before you could pos