Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/88

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the lawn. They went on to where the grass gave way to the walled walks and flowering beds; and between the high box hedges upon either side of them the steady moonlight fell obliquely, putting first one and then the other of the young people in the dark shadow, as they turned back and forth. And as he watched from the dark in which he was then hidden, Preston saw the girl's face soften unconsciously and become strangely serious and gentle in the silver light. And his lips, as he tried to open them, seemed to stick tightly together and the light banter of the moment before became inane and foolish.

As he watched her silently, she seemed to be unconscious of his scrutiny; but suddenly she stopped, before they had come to the end of the walk, as if to seek refuge in the shadow before her turn. As he himself had to come into the light then, Preston held the other word he had formed to say till he might have again the protection of the hedge shade. But when at last they turned, they both kept silence