Page:Wealth and Income of People of United States.djvu/11

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About a year and a half ago, the author had occasion to make a brief study of the national dividend in the United States; its size both absolutely and in comparison with the dividends of one or two European countries; and the possibilities of its increase. Professor Richard T. Ely listened to the reading of the paper and later saw fit to incorporate it as an appendix to his able work on Property and Contract in their Relations to the Distribution of Wealth. Professor Ely also suggested that the topic was one of sufficient importance to warrant its expansion into a small volume. The suggestion was accepted and, since that time, the original study has been thoroughly revised and decidedly extended. The author is indebted to Professor Ely for many helpful suggestions and criticisms, to Mr. Ray S. Trent, of the University of Wisconsin, for much assistance in collecting and compiling data, and to several students of statistics for preliminary work, necessary in clearing the way for some phases of the study. Mrs. Ray S. Trent, Mr. Robert C. Williamson, Mr. Reuben V. Gunn and Mr. Kenneth Duncan have given valuable assistance by reading and criticizing portions of the manuscript.
