Crops of wheat, are best after hot dry summers; beans after cool moist summer; oats and barley after summers of intermediate character.
In general, a spring characterised by rainy mornings will be followed by an autumn with rainy evenings, and vice versa.
If much rain falls between February 10 and March 10, then the spring and summer quarters are likely to be more or less wet.
In general, a rainy winter is followed by a dry autumn in the following year, and a dry spring by a rainy autumn.
If the latter end of October and the early part of November be for the most part warm and rainy, then January and February will be frosty and cold, except when the previous summer has been very dry.
If there has been low temperature, still more if snow, in October or November, then January and February will be mild.
On an average of years, July, especially the second fortnight, is very wet.
A turning point in the winter season often occurs about January 18: cold weather either sets in markedly or ceases.
The severest winters are those which begin about January 6, having been preceded by a mild December.
Forests and Trees.
It seems well established that when the oak is in leaf before the ash, a dry summer is to follow.
Forests and trees increase the rainfall, and