Page:Wee wee songs for our little pets.djvu/122

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And threw it all upon the floor;
  Oh, she's a naughty, wicked girl!

And now, forsooth, she cries for cake,
  But that, my dear, I must refuse,
For children never should object
  To eating what their parents choose.

That pretty little girl who came
  To sell the strawberries here to-day,
Would have been very glad to eat
  What my Eliza threw away;

Because her parents are so poor
  That they have neither milk nor meat,
But gruel and some Indian cake
  Is all the children have to eat.

They have beside three little girls,—
  Mary's the oldest of them all,—
And hard enough she has to work
  To help the rest, though she's so small.

As soon as strawberries are ripe,
  She picks all day and will not stop
To play, nor eat a single one
  Till she has filled her basket up.

Then down she comes to sell them all,
  And lays the money up to buy