Page:Wee wee songs for our little pets.djvu/167

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Though many a lantern lent its aid
  And torches beamed on high,
In vain the mournful party stray'd
  Till morning lit the sky.

Then by the water's side they came,
  And there, oh, sad to say!
All cold and wet, his lifeless frame
  Upon the sea-weed lay.

That morning, when he strayed from home,
  Poor little Johnnie plann'd
Along the water's edge to roam,
  Among the yellow sand.

And, as he sported free from care
  The slippery rocks around,
The rising tide surprised him there,
  And there the boy was drowned.

They bore him home, a mournful sight,
  Then, speedily arrayed,
His little form in spotless white
  Was in a coffin laid.

Next came his friends, a mournful band,
  To form the funeral throng,
Where many children hand in hand
  Walked silently along.