Page:Wee wee songs for our little pets.djvu/202

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"Behold thy Son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home."—John xix.

Jesus, my Lord, when here on earth,
  Was always an obedient child,
Yielding his mother filial love,
  And ever humble, meek, and mild.

Loving his mother; Jesus sought
  A strict obedience to her will,
And when upon the cross he hung,
  He loved his tender mother still;

And left her to the watchful care
  Of loving John, his dearest friend,
That in that dear disciple's home,
  She her remaining days might spend.

My mother, I would yield to thee,
  The warm affection of my heart,
Nor ever false or wayward prove,
  Or from thy precepts e'er depart.

Help me to serve my mother's God,
  And bear his image on my heart!
Then, when these scenes of earth are o'er,
  We'll meet in heaven no more to part.