Page:Wee wee songs for our little pets.djvu/206

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Little lamb, mayest thou be seen
  Far from dangerous paths to roam,
In thy shepherd's pastures green—
  In his bosom find a home.

Never wander from his side;
  Trust thy tender shepherd's love;
He thy wayward steps will guide
  Safely to his fold above.


"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd—he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom."—Isaiah xl: 11.

"Forbid them not," the Savior says,
  "But suffer them to come,
For children in my arms of love,
  There always has been room."

Those who would win the Savior's love,
  And be his friend indeed,
Must not neglect the little ones—
  These dear lambs they must feed,

And lead them to the quiet streams
  Where they may sweetly rest,
Till the Good Shepherd calls them home
  And folds them to his breast.