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TEXAS, Bosque County, Clifton vicinity, Shefstad, Gunarus and Ingerborg, House (Norwegian Settlement of Bosque County TR), N of Clifton (07/22/83)
TEXAS, Bosque County, Clifton vicinity, Wilson Homesite (Norwegian Settlement of Bosque County TR), W of Clifton (07/22/83)
TEXAS, Bosque County, Granfills Gap vicinity, **Upper Settlement Rural Historic District (Norwegian Settlement of Bosque County TR), E of Granfills Gap off TX 22 (07/22/83)
TEXAS, Harris County, Houston, Main Street/Market Square Historic District, Roughly bounded by Buffalo Bayou, Fannin, Texas, and Milam Sts. (07/18/83)

WISCONSIN, Rock County, Janesville, **North Main Street Historic District (Boundary Reduction), 11—23 and 18—22 N. Main St., and Wall St. between N. Main and N. Parker Dr. (07/22/83)

Multiple Resource Areas are identified by MRA
Thematic Resources are identified by TR
**Nominations substantively reviewed by the National Park Service