Page:Weird Tales Volume 02 Number 2 (1937-02).djvu/130

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Weird Tales

by Harold S. DeLay. The art heading for the Weird Story Reprint was drawn by Hugh Rankin.

Brief Comments

Horace Ferris, of Santa Monica, California, writes: "I think you should have a picture of Conan, standing alone, on a windy hill. This picture to be done by Virgil Finlay and to enhance the cover of one of your forthcoming issues. It is the least you can do for the memory of a great storyteller and for his sorrowful legion of left-behind readers."

Charles Henry Mackintosh, of Daytona Beach, Florida, writes: "I think Weird Tales is to be congratulated on keeping strictly weird and not straying off into the so-called 'science-fiction', which all seems very much alike after the first month or so."

Donald Coreyon, of Petoskey, Michigan, writes: "I would like to see the following stories used as reprints: The Picture in the House, by H. P. Lovecraft; The Abysmal Horror, by B. Wallis; Sadastor, by C. A. Smith; The Venus of Azombei, by C. A. Smith."

Alvin V. Pershing, of Anderson, Indiana, writes: "The horror cover by St. John on the October issue was certainly an excellent piece of art and carried horrific intimations. It was truly weird."

August W. Derleth writes from Sauk City, Wisconsin: "The December issue of WT was one of the best for a long time; I really believe the magazine is definitely improving, and no one is happier than I to know it. I was delighted to see HPL's fine story, am looking forward to reading again his next."

Henry Kuttner writes from Beverly Hills, California: "Suggestion for reprint: that grand yarn, Lochinvar Lodge."

Most Popular Story

Readers, let us know which stories you like best in this issue. Write a letter, or fill out the coupon at the bottom of this page, and send it to the Eyrie, Weird Tales. Your favorite story in the December issue, as shown by your votes and letters, was H. P. Lovecraft's eldritch tale of horror, The Haunter of the Dark. This was closely pressed for first place by the late Robert E. Howard's posthumous tale of weird adventure, The Fire of Asshurbanipul.


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It will help us to know what kind of stories you want in Weird Tales if you will fill out this coupon and mail it to The Eyrie, Weird Tales, 840 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.

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