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THIS COUPON VALUABLE I Year F Guar- 'antee Shipman Ward Manufacturing Co., 4368 Shipman Building, Chicago, Ill. Please send me your Free Trial Plan and Typewriter Book, together with your special offer on prices, terms, free course in Touch Typewriting and also how I can make money with this typewriter, without obligation. This is not an order Name •••••«••••••••••••••* Street or R F City < I State • NOW IS THE TIME TO'GET YOUR TYPEWRITER! Be up-to-date—know the pleasure and convenience of having One in your home. You’D be amazed at the uses everyone in your ft household will find for this real Underwood typewriter. Every member of the family will use and enjoy it! Don’t send a cent— g but do get our big special offer—our valuable book on typewriters and typewriting—FREE. Any One Can Learn to Operate a Typewriter! You can learn to write on this standard-keyboard machine tn one day; it’s so simple that even a child can use it. A week ft after the expressman has brought it, you’d feel LOST without 9 it. A trial will PROVE it—and doesn’t cost you a penny! SPECIAL FREE TRIAL OFFER a We don’t want a penny now. Nor any money at alt unless S this proves the typewriter bargain of your life. The trial is FREE. If you buy, our easy terms make it a pleasure to pay. There’s no excuse now, for not owning a typewriter—and the finest make’. We include all tools, a cover, etc., all complete, all ready to write? Write us now. Deal direct; we are the largest factory of the kind. L Our plan gives you the opportunity of a thorough trial before I you buy. You run no risk whatever. You start to pay for your 1 typewriter AFTER you have found it the only machine foryouf But get the facts before this lot of machines is all in use. Clip the H information coupon before you turn the page. It will pay you! gj Note the very useful book you will receive free! Write for full ■L particulars at once. The Greatest Typewriter OSEer Ever Made If you know typewriters, you know the perfect work and the Bd ease and speed of a Shipman Ward rebuilt Underwood typewriter. ■wA New machines are guaranteed for only one year; WE GUARANTEE jgA EVERY ONE OfOUR MACHINES FOR FIVE YEARS! If you EpA have never owned a typewriter, start with the finest! YoU can try this one at our risk. But, the time to act is NOW. Don’t KA miss out on this present bargain offer whereby you can get this S'-?A genuine Underwood at a big savings. Don’t do longer without the convenience of a typewriter. FREE! Get our catalog free; lowest prices and terms. A f* manual free, too; valuable instruction for learning

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