Page:Weird Tales Volume 23 Issue 5 (1934 05).djvu/107

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Bellowing Bamboo

actly a square deal to hand out to a new man, Aiden," continued Smith. "But I'll tell you what. I have locked up the Mazaruni station, and made my Indies understand that there is a deadly taboo upon it. They will leave it alone till someone else comes to take charge.

"But meanwhile, you have the tough job of starting a station which has been closed down for five months—and I understand you are new to the Guiana jungle?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Well, then. I have all the time there is. If you'd like my help—without pay, of course—and Natheshire says it's all right. I'll go up the Cuyuni with you for a while. I can manage any of those Indios with no trouble at all."

"I should think you might!" said Natheshire, under his breath. But he smiled then, and made no objection.

"Thanks a lot. Smith!" exclaimed Aiden in relief. He had wondered what he was going to do; and now he had a feeling of delicious excitement in conquering that chill that skittered across his shoulder-blades.

"I'm damned glad to accept! To clinch it, let's all go back to the shando and have a spot. I admit that I—well, I could make mighty good use of one right now!"


By Marie W. Linné

I will not haunt you after I am dead;
My wistful, sad, unsatiated wraith
Shall not be lingering near these streets we tread.
These wails that look so much on love and death;
My hungry laughing eyes, the words we said
Shall no way haunt you after I am dead....

Oh, I'll have other things than these to do;
I'll find a deep depression in a hill,
And to the wind's white songs, the drip of dew.
Call all lost, joyous hearts to dance their fill,
So passers-by shall wonder, pausing there.
Remembering joy before man knew despair.

And I will keep a tame wind for my own.
And if I break your musings, now and then.
Riding by, through some lamplit dusk, alone.
You will remember lightly, once again,
A snatch of song, a vanished jest or two....
No, but for these. I'll not come back to you.