Page:Weird Tales Volume 26 Number 03 (1935-09).djvu/128

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The Shambler from the Stars

other magazines leave off. . . . For reprints I would like, first, The Slithering Shadow by Robert E. Howard, and second, Penelope by Vincent Starrett. Both these tales are from old issues of WT. My favorite stories in the July issue are Jirel Meets Magic by C. L. Moore, and The Avenger from Atlantis by Edmond Hamilton. My two favorite authors are Robert E. Howard and C. L. Moore."

July Issue Nearly Perfect

B. M. Reynolds, of North Adams, Massachusetts, writes: "The July issue of Weird Tales was so near perfect that I had to break a two-months' silence to compliment you on it. All of the stories were good, and three were outstanding. The Avenger from Atlantis by Edmond Hamilton was absolutely the best he has ever written; not only in novelty of plot, but in the excellent way in which he handled the theme. C. L. Moore, with a long line of successes already to her credit, certainly gave us the best to date in Jirel Meets Magic. Moore's stories are following, more and more, a trend toward sheer fantasy, of which there is a pitiful lack in present-day fiction. Parts of this story were strongly reminiscent of A. Merritt's imaginative descriptions, and I hardly believe a better compliment could be given a writer than to compare one with the incomparable. Gustav Meyrink's strange little tale, The Violet Death, might have taken first place if it had not been so brief. An extraordinary plot like that could have been enlarged into a superb novelette. But, at any rate, it was excellent. . . . Regarding reprints: How about Bimini and The Girl from Samarcand?"

C. L. Moore's Stories

Carleton C. Ames, of Minneapolis, writes: "I first started reading Weird Tales in 1925, and have scarcely missed an issue since. You have published some very poor stories, but on the whole, you stand alone in your field. The stories which I do not like are those which, after building up an atmosphere of weirdness, proceed to explain the whole affair as a dream, or as having a perfectly rational explanation. To me, this vitiates the whole story. . . . I have just finished the July 1935 issue. The leading story therein, in my opinion, is C. L. Moore's Jirel Meets Magic. As far as that goes, Moore's stories are the best that you have published.



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