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It is strange how history plays into one's hands in these things. There have been mysterious dark women in the lives of many great geniuses—probably of more than I know about. Such a woman as Cawder's wife could live down through the generations, whipping the spark of genius to flame and basking in that flame. Perhaps it was her breed which gave the Greeks their myths of the Muses. She may have been the princess who found Moses, or the guiding spirit behind Akhnaton's ill-fated experiment with monotheism. Her kind would inspire the unhappy genius of a Poe or a Nijinsky. Cawder's wife is dead, but she may have had sisters who still play their dark role in the evolution of man's civilization.
I've never met a ghost nor had a personal experience with the supernatural, though I have friends who have. Last night I heard a number of ghost stories of old Schenectady, some of them elaborately fanciful, others simple enough to be convincing: the St. Bernard dog whose dead tail still thumps the floor to welcome his mistress' friends to her former home; the footsteps that pace the floor in a house which I can see from my office window, marking 22 paces where there is room for only 18; Aunt Harriet near Herkimer, who sees to it that her house is kept just as she left it many years ago. Maybe some day the skeptical chemist and archeologist will meet one of these "others" and really know.
P. Schuyler Miller
Chinese Authority
Frank Owen, aside from being a mighty good writer, is also an authority on Chinese character and lore. We've received more than a few letters from you