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Weird Tales

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somewhere around 868 A. D. The medicine ephedrine which has taken the United States by storm was used by the Chinese for four thousand years. The Emperor Ming Huang of the T'ang Dynasty (684-762 A. D.) had one of his palaces air conditioned. He allowed the utmost religious freedom. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Taoists and other religious sects all lived in his empire in perfect harmony. China has always been noted for religious freedom. For instance, the Jews have been in China since two hundred years before Christ and they have never been persecuted.

The Chinese love poetry, flowers, landscapes. They are good to their children. They cherish their girl babies, calling them "My Thousand Pieces of Gold." There is no infanticide in China though the claim has often been made. It used to be smart to discredit "the heathen Chinese" who only gave us the Golden Rule, and who proclaimed "Within the Four Seas All Men Are Brothers." We are fortunate to have these great people as our allies. They cannot lose because they do not know what it is to be conquered. As W. J. R. Thorbecke, former Netherlands Minister to China wrote in 1938, "Whatever the future may bring, China will outlive every danger, endure all suffering and, smiling patiently, emerge from all troubles to face life, to cultivate her soil, to beget children and to hold her place in the sun."

Frank Owen

Readers' Vote
John Cawder's Wife
A Wig for Miss Devore
The Man Who Amazed Fish
Lost Vacation
Specter in the Steel
Time and Again
The Miracle
The Crowd
The Glass Labyrinth
Lover of Caladiums

Here's a list of ten stories in this issue. Won't you let us know which three you consider the best. Just place the numbers: 1, 2, and 3 respectively against your three favorite tales—then clip it out and mail it in to us.

Weird Tales
9 Rockefeller Plaza New York City