Page:Weird Tales Volume 36 Number 9 (1943-01).djvu/127

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NOW! DESTRoy your fWn » ENEMY QUICK! ffW pW| Be a one-man blitz! Strike with I Jl Commando lightning! You don’t I' OHl W VtO need ox-like muscles to use Super L //mMp Æÿ Ju Jitsu, most powerful of all de- «s®** «S fense and attack methods. Technique is the deadly secret; Brains count—not size, not strength. Almost miraculously efficient. Gain Self-Confidence. Learn how YOU can lick brutes twice your size with your bare hands only, even when they are armed with gun, knife, club. Get ready now for any emergency •—protect your loved ones. This amazing new self-study course teaches you double-quick. No boring exercises necessary. Send for Exciting Details. Startling low price. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Write today, sure ... time is short! Nelson Co., 600 Sher¬ man St., Dept. M524, Chicago. FREE FALSE TEETH AS LOW AS W-S 60 DAYS TRIAL SEND NO MONEY

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● This is your club—a medium to help you get together with other fantasy and science-fiction fans. Readers wanted it—they wrote in telling us how much they would enjoy meeting others of similar tastes.

● Membership is very simple: just drop us a line, so that we can enroll you on the club roster, and publish your name and address in the magazine.

● A membership card carrying the above design—personal token of your fellowship with the weird and the fantastic—will be sent on request. (A stamped, addressed envelope should be enclosed.)

No Real Weird Happenings

I am very much interested in the letters that have been published by the Weird Tales Club from time to time by members who are trying to get data on ghosts, witchcraft and such subjects.

Although I have been a reader of WEIRD TALES for quite a period of years, and I am certainly interested in stories about fantasy, I still feel skeptical about the truth of these various phenomena.

I think that these subjects make for very fine reading, but I doubt if they ever really happen. For myself, I have never found a real haunted house or seen a ghost or a witch or discovered anything that couldn't be explained on natural grounds.

My nature of work—I am a salesman—forces me to travel around a great deal in different parts of the country, and yet I still don't run into real weird happenings. I am willing to be convinced, however, and I would like to hear from other readers of the magazine on this. As at present my address changes almost from week to week, please write to me through the Weird Tales Club columns.

Truly yours,
Adam W Grossette