Page:Weird Tales Volume 42 Number 06 (1950-09).djvu/97

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The Eyrie

(Continued from page 6)

of that "batch," but not us. We have been receiving some variation of this promise every week for the last three months—sometimes word of an impending cover is included—but that is all we get. We are holding a good story (all set, too) for the cover, we are holding our readers at bay about the promised Weirdisms, we are holding our breath, but so far to no avail.

The Editor, Weird Tales.

The Editor, Weird Tales
9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y.

I am quite glad you have decided to reinstate the letter department, always one of your magazine's better features. A mag with no letter column seems empty and lifeless, somehow. Please keep it in. Please let us see more of Dolgov on the covers. . . . Clark Ashton Smith, one of this reader's favorite contemporary poets, appears in WT only too seldom for me. His latest poem had his usual fine imagery, mood, and colorful choice of words, although I can't completely admire the poetic form. Keep up the poems, though. Good luck with future issues!

Lin Carter
1734 Newark St. So., St. Petersburg, Fla.

The Editor, Weird Tales
9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y.

I think the July issue is in most ways, an improvement. You keep a nice variety of writers, the style of Quinn always a bit sentimental (perhaps better described as morbidly sentimental), balances nicely with the English stories of H. R. Wakefield, and all the other regulars. I only wish Quinn would bring Jules de Grandin* onto the scene more often. . . . I suggest a forecast of the next issue notice each time you make up the contents.

Bob Barnett,
1107 Lyon, Cathage, Mo.

*There's one in the shop now.

The Editor, Weird Tales.

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