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JULY, 1953Cover by W. H. Silvey



The colonel had a theory—that the beauty of dying young is that one doesn't have to face one's mistakes.

THE HOUSE IN THE VALLEY (A novelette) - August Derleth 12

It is not commonly believed that the mind can duplicate in a dream state any experience which is utterly alien to it; this I had done.

HOUSE OF LIFE (Verse) - Dorothy Quick 29

SLAUGHTER HOUSE (A novelette) - Richard Matheson 30

There had been rumors of ghosts about the old place, but neither of the brothers could credit that sort of thing.

THE SOURCE OF IT - Glen Malin 51

If only I knew the source of this evil on earth. It has spread malignantly to nearly all the people and is fishing for me at this very moment. . . .

THE MISSING ROOM - Lyn Venable 58

Just like any other young couple looking over a house they'd love to own; how could they know it encompassed a secret room?

ON THE ELEVATOR - Joseph Payne Brennan 62

The storm-tossed waves beat against the boardwalk and the very foundations of the hotel itself. Was it they that churned up a secret long meant to lie buried at sea?

DREAD SUMMONS - Paul Ernst 67

The old butler heard a scream; but it was muffled by street noises outside the deserted and ghostly old house.

(Copyright 1037 by Popular Fiction Publishing Company)

THE SEA WITCH (A novelette) - Nictzin Dyalis 73

. . . One and all they turned their dead eyes on me with a curious fixity.

(Copyright 1937 by Popular Fiction Publishing Company)

Published bi-monthly by Weird Tales, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. Reentered as second-class matter January 26, 1940, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Single copies, 25 cents. Subscription rates: One year in the United States and possessions, 31.50. Foreign and Canadian postage extra. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts although every care will be taken of such material while in their possession.

Copyright, 1953, by Weird Tales. Copyright in Great Britain.
Title registered in U. S. Patent Office.

Vol. 45, No. 3