Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 5 (1925-05).djvu/138

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bounded from cover and pursued the woman into the hut. He made short work of binding her wrists and ankles with thongs of hide, and then turned to the slight figure of a girl cringing in a dark corner. With one motion he spun her about and tossed her roughly on to his shoulder. Now he ran from the hut and headed for the beach, where was drawn up a little dugout. Ungently placing the girl on a seat, the fellow pushed off, sprang in, grasped the lone paddle, and with great thrusts began rapidly to put distance between him and the cabin.

I studied the not unbeautiful face of the captive, and in spite of myself was amused at her expression. Where were the loathing glances one might expect? There were none; the girl showed rather a shy admiration for her captor. His bronzed face bore little expression at all, unless perhaps a trace of triumph.

And who could blame him? To start the village men off on a wild goose chase as he had done and carry off doubtless the prize specimen of their women! I glanced up at the hillside. So bold a plan deserved to succeed.

But it could not. Already the men had realized they had been fooled. Brandishing their weapons and uttering perfectly visible yells of rage, the whole party was swarming down toward the lake. Already they were within fair bowshot of the canoe, and one after another dropped to the knee to release a winged missile. In all too short a space they were at the shore. Some few hastily launched canoes, but the greater number set off on foot around the shore to head the elopers off.

The young man in the boat plied the paddle with renewed vigor. The girl sat quietly in the bottom of the dugout now, and kept her eyes glued upon the shore they had left. As she watched every movement of the pur-

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