Page:Weird Tales Volume 8 Number 2 (1926-08).djvu/141

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it which gripped my imagination. The Dance of Death by Jean Lahors was another poem which attracted my attention. Please have more such issues as the May one."

Writes William S. Pillsbury, of Eugene, Oregon: "For some time I have been reading and enjoying your magazine. I like Mr. Quinn's stories a lot, I think Mr. Powers is clever, and of course Mr. Wells' stories get a vote. But I think the best author you have is this Eli Colter. His stories get me right where I live. Just finished the serial one, On the Dead Man's Chest, and it certainly is a knockout. I've an idea Colter meant a lot more than he said in that story. He has one quality I like more than any other. O. Henry had it. I mean thebusiness of handing you a whale of a punch at the end of the story. Whenever I start in on a Colter story I know it's going to wind up with a bang. I hope you get another one soon." Mr. Pillsbury will be glad to hear that we have not merely one, but several stories by Eli Colter scheduled; and The Last Horror, which will appear soon, is one of the greatest, most thought-stimulating stories we have ever read, anywhere. There is a whole philosophy of life in that story, and the "bang" at the end is a veritable explosion.

Writes John Paul Ward, from Marblehead: "I live on a lonely stretch of seacoast in Massachusetts, and our house is apart from the others in the village. It overlooks the ocean; and on a dark, stormy night with the rain spattering against the window, and noises (real or imaginary) and Weird Tales!——well, you can draw your own conclusions as to how anyone would feel. But I love it and I know many readers of this unique magazine would like to have my surroundings to read it in."

What is your favorite story in this issue? Your votes for the best-liked story in the June issue gave an overwhelming lead to Spider-Bite, Robert S. Carr's eery tale of resurrected mummies and great white Egyptian tomb-spiders. Five or six stories are in a close race for second place as this issue goes to press, but all of these are far behind Spider-Bite in popularity.







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It will help us to know what kind of stories you want in Weird Tales if you will fill out the coupon and mail it to The Eyrie, Weird Tales, 408 Holliday Building, Indianapolis, Ind.

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