Page:Weird Tales Volume 8 Number 3 (1926-09).djvu/4

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(Continued from Preceding Page)

Ozymandias Percy Bysshe Shelley 344


Ancient Fires Seabury Quinn 345

Haunted mansions, wandering gipsies, a Hindoo girl's love that was stronger than death—a tale of Jules de Grandin

The Marmoset Marc R. Schorer and August W. Derleth 361

A short tale of Messer Marri the magician, an intelligent pet monkey, and a poisoned stiletto

The Bracelet Talbert Josselyn '365

"The fangs! the fangs!" cried the queen—a story of old Egypt, with an unexpected modern ending

He H. P. Lovecraft 373

He seemed incredibly aged, this night-prowler in the old alleys of New York—a tale of black magic and stark horror

The Night Wire H. F. Arnold 380

From Xebico a strange and uncanny story came over the wire in the wan hours before the dawn

Elysium A. Leslie 384


Jumbee Henry S. Whitehead 385

A story of weird native beliefs in America's newest possessions, the Virgin Islands

Weird Story Reprints

No. 15. The Tapestried Chamber Sir Walter Scott 392

General Browne spent a night of terror in the haunted guest-chamber of an English castle—an old-fashioned ghost-story.

Barnacles Sidney Lanier 401


The Cat of Chiltern Castle Mary Sharon 402

The visit of Eugene Winthrop to the Castle of Chiltern was fraught with frightful consequences

Fettered (Part 3) Greye La Spina 406

Occult novel about the dire fate that enmeshed two men and two women in the north woods—a tale of eery thrills

Eldorado Edgar Allan Poe 424


The Eyrie 425

A chat with the readers

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