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The Dark
(Continued from page 766)
least. I think you will always be. No, I am sure of it. Let it go at that."
She bowed her head in assent and understanding, glanced once at Cloud and Arn, and walked out of the laboratory. Cloud walked over to the microscope. He glanced into it, then stopped short with a sharp intake of breath. Saul looked him straight in the eyes and Arn glanced from one to the other in puzzlement at the look that passed between them. Saul caught his expression of inquiry and silently motioned him toward the instrument.
Cloud stepped aside and Arn looked through the lens. He caught his breath as Cloud had done. The particle of flesh was swarming with the devil-fish microbes.
For a space grim silence held between the three men. Then Saul's voice came, hoarse with emotion. "To save her, I've got to save the world! She hasn't been well for a long time, I've seen. She's sick with fear. I've seen that, too. My God, we can't stand here staring at each other! Let's get to work!"
Grisly days of horror, of alternate hope and despair, and the thrill of scientific achievement are described in next month's installment of this story.
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