Page:Weird Tales v33n05 (1939-05).djvu/162

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The power tubes had warmed up and all was in readiness. Don Jones puffed slowly at his cigarette. He cherished the smoke in his lungs, knowing it might be the last inhaling he would ever do. He wondered if they would know of cigarettes in that distant future to which he was going.

"Don't hurry yourself," said Professor White at the control board. "I want to run the system at full load for five minutes yet to make sure everything is all right. Are you nervous?"

"No," denied Don Jones, but the hand that held the cigarette shook. It was not quite as easy as he had thought—leaving the life and time he knew. But because recurrent epilepsy had made life miserable for him, he had consented to be the subject of Professor White's experiment. Young, and healthy in all other ways, Don Jones wished at this last minute that he were free of his promise.

"I'm nervous myself," admitted the professor, dabbing at knife-switches with fluttery fingers to make certain they were firmly closed. "I almost feel as though I were about to become your murderer."

"Forget it," grunted Don. "I had no peace in this life. I’ve thought of suicide, but this is better."

"Not suicide," said the scientist, turning around. "You can't compare this to death, Don. You are going to a new life, but without dissolution. You are really going to be a time-traveler. Your body and mind—and soul, if there is such a thing—will be projected into a future age—anywhere from ten to a hundred thousand years ahead; I can’t be sure just how far." . . .

You will not want to miss the fantastic adventures of Don Jones in that distant time, when the world has become a weird land of anarchy and strange machines, with no laws, but everyone for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. This engrossing novelette will be published complete in the next issue of Weird Tales.


By Eando Binder



A weird tale of the New York subways, and horrible things with dead-white eyes that burrow up beneath the unsuspecting city.


Faverly was an archeologist—or grave-robber, as he called himself—and fearful was his discovery in that ghastly Indian burial mound.


A tale of Jules de Grandin, the dynamic little French occult detective, ghost-breaker and expert in things supernatural.

June Issue of Weird Tales . . . . . . Out May 1