Page:Weird Tales volume 28 number 03.djvu/69

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5. Twenty Red Nails

Two warriors lounged in the guardroom on the floor known as the Tier of the Eagle. Their attitude was casual, though habitually alert. An attack on the great bronze door from without was always a possibility, but for many years no such assault had been attempted on either side.

"The strangers are strong allies," said one. "Olmec will move against the enemy tomorrow, I believe."

He spoke as a soldier in a war might have spoken. In the miniature world of Xuchotl each handful of feudists was an army, and the empty halls between the castles was the country over which they campaigned.

The other meditated for a space.

"Suppose with their aid we destroy Xotalanc," he said. "What then, Xatmec?"

"Why," returned Xatmec, "we will drive red nails for them all. The captives we will burn and flay and quarter."

An old man with an unkempt beard, wearing tattered rags, points a wand at a large, muscled younger man, who is just wearing loose shorts and pirate boots. A knife flies through the air, thrown by the younger man at the man with the wand. A named woman crouches in the background. A corpse lies on the floor.
An old man with an unkempt beard, wearing tattered rags, points a wand at a large, muscled younger man, who is just wearing loose shorts and pirate boots. A knife flies through the air, thrown by the younger man at the man with the wand. A named woman crouches in the background. A corpse lies on the floor.

"Even as he shifted, he hurled the knife."

"But afterward?" pursued the other. "After we have slain them all? Will it