Page:Weird Tales volume 30 number 01.djvu/2

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Because of the many requests for back issues of Weird Tales, the publishers do their best to keep a sufficient supply on hand to meet all demands. This magazine was established early in 1923 and there has been a steady drain on the supply of back copies ever since. At present, we have the following back numbers on hand for sale:

1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937
Jan. . . . . Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
Feb. . . . . Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.
. . . . . . . . Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar.
Apr. . . . . Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.
. . . . May May May May
June June June June June
. . . . July July July July
Aug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Sept. Sept. Sept.
. . . . . . . . Oct. Oct. Oct.
. . . . Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

These back numbers contain many fascinating stories. If you are interested in obtaining any of the back copies on this list please hurry your order because we can not guarantee that the list will be as complete as it now is within the next 30 days. The price on all back issues is 25c per copy. Mail all orders to:


840 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A.


One Year (12 issues @ 25c = $3.00—YOU SAVE 50c) $2.50
Two Years (24 issues @ 25c = $6.00—you save $2.00) $4.00
Three Years (36 issues @ 25c = $9.00—YOU SAVE $4.00) $5.00

To any address in the United States or possessions
Central America, Cuba, Mexico, South America and Spain

For Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador add 25c a year extra for postage. To all other countries add 50c a year extra for postage.


WEIRD TALES, 840 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill., U. S. A.

Enclosed find $___________for which please enter my subscription to WEIRD TALES for________________years to begin with the August issue.



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