Page:Weird Tales volume 30 number 04.djvu/53

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Drawing of a man in a suit holding a knife in his right hand and a woman's head in a bag in his left hand.
Drawing of a man in a suit holding a knife in his right hand and a woman's head in a bag in his left hand.

"Then I heard him in the hallway and on the stairs."

The Homicidal Diary


What strange compulsion drove an ordinarily gentle and cultured man, on one night of each week, to roam the city streets and commit a ghastly crime?

I am writing this account of my friend Jason Carse in the interests of both justice and psychiatry, and perhaps of demonology as well. There is no greater proof of what I relate than the sequence of murders which so recently shocked this city, the newspaper items regarding the crimes, and especially the official report of the alienists who examined Carse during his trial. I cannot expect to bring Doctor Carse back to life, for he was hanged until dead, but I do