"I have never had the pleasure of beholding you before," the Frenchman answered. His tone implied he was not anxious to prolong the scrutiny.
"But you knew I was in the service?"
"Naturally. You are obviously English and a gentleman. You were at least eighteen in 1914. That assures one you were in the war. Your complexion shows you have resided in the tropics, which might mean either India or Africa, but you called the sergeant's note a chit, which means you've spent some time in India. Now, if you will kindly state your business
" he paused with raised eyebrows."It's a funny, mixed-up sort o' thing," the other answered. "You're right in saying that I've been in India; I was out there almost twenty years. Chucked it up and went to farmin'; then a cousin died here in the province of New Jersey, leavin' me a mass o' rock and rubble and about two hundred thousand pounds, to boot."
The look of long-enduring patience deepened on de Grandin's features. "And what is one to do?" he rejoined wearily. "Help you find a buyer for the land? You will be going back to England with the cash, of course."
The caller's tanned complexion deep-
"A line of flame was rising, flickering and dancing."