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[1]If a bishop's men or an abbot's men fight with a king's men upon the land of the teyrn, their dirwy comes to the teyrn; and although a bishop's men and an abbot's men fight on the king's land, to the king their dirwy comes. [2]Whoever shall plough land against a lord's interdiction, let him pay four legal pence if he shall have opened soil with violence ; and four legal pence if he shall have taken implements from the soil : and a penny for every furrow turned up by the plough ; and that to the owner of the land. Let the lord take all the oxen and the plough and the implements ; and the worth of the right hand of the driver and the worth of the right foot of the ploughman. [3]If a person excavate the land of another person to hide anything therein, the owner of the land shall have four legal pence for opening the soil and the hoard, unless it be a hoard of gold;

[A chasm in V supplied from W]

for every hoard of gold belongs to a king. [4]Whoever shall make a snare on another person's land and shall conceal it therein, let him pay four legal pence for opening soil to the owner of the land ; and should there be a beast found

  1. V 27 b 10
  2. V 27 b 14
  3. V 27 b 22
  4. W 63 b 17